Meet Josh...

Josh 'Jobby' O'Brien is the founder of LTD Eyewear and lives in Dunsborough in South West WA with his wife Jackie and their two young sons.

The blog below captures the Living The Dream to LTD story and why Josh decided to create a product that can be worn by everyone, anywhere, who wants to be Living The Dream safely...

Why 'Living The Dream' came to life as LTD!

'Living The Dream' is a classic saying that gets said on a daily basis when working FIFO - it's both a sarcastic and humorous way to acknowledge the often mundane and boring aspects of every day FIFO life.

Having worked in the mining industry for 20+ years, I have had my fair share of foreign objects impacting my eyes - dust, grit, liquid. And this has happened because I wasn't wearing the safety eyewear I was provided.

Why you may ask?

The answer is simple.

Most PPE gear, including eye wear, are designed with only one purpose - protection. Not for comfort. Not for ease of use. Not for longevity. And certainly not for every day civilian life! 

I have worked on many sites and safety glasses are often only used a handful of times before being put in the bin destined for landfill. And you certainly don't want to be wearing them to quickly pop into Bunnings after breaking a drill bit - you'd be turning heads for all the wrong reasons!

So it made me think. Why can't there be a better solution? A product that would encourage anyone and everyone to wear eye protection - glasses that look good, feel good and do you good! 

And so LTD was created - Living The Dream - our range of impact rated eye wear has been designed, tested and tried by people in the industry.

LTD's are modern to wear, they are made for comfort and designed for protection and longevity.

I hope you love your pair of LTD's as much as I do.

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